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Posted in Justin Timberlake, Madonna, Timbaland
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-Pop Spotlight-
Monday, 03 March, 2008
can barely hear her voice it's mostly just justin
Tuesday, 04 March, 2008
hope it's not the final track cause it sucks
Wednesday, 05 March, 2008
it's a miss, don't like it.
Wednesday, 12 March, 2008
Wah, wah, wah, why are peeps hating this song? Big deal, she's collaborating and her voice doesn't dominate. I bet this sounds hot at the club and oooh, the remixes!!! Expectations are immense for this artist. Maybe not her best, but who really can be the best ALL the time? This song, I'm sure will do well once released. Thumbs up!!!
Thursday, 13 March, 2008
This is another one that's really grown on me after a few listens. I give her props of always trying new styles. I was a bit worried at first listen but I think it'll be a great album. Looking forward to it!