Katy Perry Apologizes to Lily Allen

Katy Perry regrets a comment that she made about Lily Allen, adding that it was only meant to be a joke.

When Perry was asked to describe herself, she wrote that she was a fatter version of Amy Winehouse, but a skinnier version of Lily Allen.

Lily Allen took offense and in turn took jabs at Katy during a recent interview with UK radio station Capital FM. Well now Katy Perry is apologizing. She told Us Magazine, "Yeah, I made a joke about [that] earlier this year. I was just kind of joking and trying to be funny. I didn't mean anything by it. Comedians are not necessarily to be taken super seriously."

It's uncertain if Allen will accept the apology from her rival.

1 comment:

  1. Uh! I can't stad Katy, she's sooo overplayed!


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